Meldonium in sports

Meldonium effects on athletes: Why they use it?

When it comes to sports, athletes will do everything they can to gain a competitive advantage over those they come up against. This often involves using sports science to improve physical conditioning, stamina, and more. Sometimes, though, athletes might choose to go down a more ethically dubious route and use performance-enhancing substances. This can include …

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cardiovascular drugs

Cardiovascular Drugs – Everything You Should Know

Heart disease is a debilitating condition that is responsible for over 17.9 million related deaths every year. The scientific community refers to heart conditions as cardiovascular disease, which emphasizes the susceptibility of blood vessels to all types of pathology. However, we should note that cardiovascular disease is not one condition. It is an umbrella term …

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Exploring the Potential Benefits of Meldonium

Meldonium, also known as Mildronate, has garnered attention in recent years for its potential benefits spanning cardiovascular health, performance enhancement, and even cognitive support. This article delves into the multifaceted advantages of Meldonium, shedding light on its diverse applications and considerations. 1. Cardiovascular Fortification: Originally developed to address cardiovascular issues, Meldonium acts as a vasodilator, …

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